
Human Relations is not only a subject but a metaphysical bog. A connection of emotions, acceptance, love, passion, compassion, and a lot more.

A love evolved through romance walks a different path and is designated to turn into a relationship or a bond or a marriage.

Humans enter this zone without any training and at one point they face a minuscule issue that raises its magnitude and eventually creates rumbles in life.

The foundation is shaken and sometimes miserably collapsed. What if we could be trained in this arena?

Trained to love? No. Trained to secure love.

Our Course caters to Relationships Pres and Post Marriage. Our portion is obtained from a profound analysis of real-life cases of more than 500 couples either married or in relations.

You will see a new dimension, corner, space, aura, and a new possibility of this relationship.

We believe and teach how Love can be a long-lasting reality.